
Showing posts from January, 2023


After reading this  article  we should rather call multitasking as rapidtaskshifting or rapidshifttasking. Whatever, but it is the science that says we cannot really multitask, we just shift focus at several tasks rapidly. Let's just call it from now on rapidtasking. Anyway, I found myself doing rapidtasking again at the store, now that the economy is going normal, let's pray thus that it may continue. And taken a bit surprised that after 3 years of pandemic-laden economy of slow sales, I still have that capacity to rapidtask, you just have to believe that you can, depending on how badly you need rapidtasking to serve your customers (believing that even the saints bilocated to serve others as we've said before). So there goes my reminder to all of us to look the person in the eye in my previous article, and then this rapidtasking which comes in handy. While giving one customer his goods, he suddenly shifted into storytelling mode, and then three more customers came at once ...