Sari-sari Store Selling

Sari-sari store selling is fast selling, period. When a person approaches you read even the nonverbals not just the asking of a product. By practice, one can suggests informations on one's product knowledge to help customers decide as fast as possible, not just wait for the undecided customer to say what to order. So much adjustments happen in real time like when stocks of pepsi 8 ounce are out, one suggests as fast as one can the coldest ones in the refrigirator. Of course, it seems money is the reason, quick and easy. But one can balance the approach like if a customer needs more time to think it through, the seller shouldn't show any impatience. One can even entertain one's close customer for a short wit of the days events, but only if there are no other customers waiting to be served too. For additional exceptions to the rule, one shouldn't do fast selling when accuracy of receipt will be sacrificed, when speed may issue an unsafe working place like banging your way to the other sellers who are older and slower, which is disrespectful, just to prove that your store serves the fastest and less time for customers to stay in your store.

The idea is that customers just went there to be served with what they need, period. If the seller will be able to handle all the hows of it, the customer comes back faster too like always impatient to be given which is good if you can handle it. And that is fast selling. Customers tend to go to fast sellers if they're always on the run. And believe me they are, even they also dropped by to chat some with you, they need to be served with their coldest drink first for example without you not in the clouds but are there present to their needs.

When this becomes habitual, you can think of other things, entertain three customers at the same time, while getting three products, and control one's temper with a lousy retort, while calculating the receipt of the other. Nope, the other sellers are too busy to entertain some more that you have to do it on your own. Yes, that's a worst case scenario, but speed coupled with efficiency does the trick. Happy selling for this is what you've done the rest of your years. Be sure to tack in 8 hours rest, good diet, prayers, etc. for they're the capacitors of fast selling.

Note:Picture is from article title "What's in Store for this Sari-sari Store?


  1. I was definitely agree that if the seller will be able to handle all the hows of it, the customer comes back faster too like always impatient to be given which is good if you can handle it. Keep up the good work!

    Negosyo franchise


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