Cigarette Selling Update Report

We only sell two brands of low priced cigarette nowadays and we don't sell per stick anymore. We don't sell liquor too. It's sad we lost some of our customers but others still bought from us their previous items excluding the cigarette brand we don't carry anymore. They still ask though they know we don't carry such brands anymore. We have to point them to other stores we know seems to carry those brands.

As for per stick cigarette customers, we give them short but reverent words that we don't sell per stick anymore and we only have two brands available per pack only, regardless if they hate our policy or understands us. Most though are irritated because they still have to walk to other stores because they know we've been a per stick store for almost 30 years now.

Without offense, cough diseases of our sales force almost went down to almost zero after maybe one to two years of clearing off the previous years of second hand smoke effects.

The lost opportunity was taken by call and text loads, and other free time and released resources due to no more per stick knocking of customers went to more income generating goods I thought was just there but have not been given its chance for so long because we thought we can't handle too many customers anymore. Not to say that maybe more health due to lesser cough incidence made us more fit to handle real deals and works.

Then our consciences were released from giving cigarettes to student or minors pretending to be adults. You wouldn't differentiate them or giving them offense might cause a rest back these rebellious looking smoking youth can always imagine.

To top it all, you're nearer God's kingdom in pushing for real goods they really need and not sell them apparent goods, in business parlance nearer socially responsible undertakings.

My main target is zero cigarette sales when higher sin tax bill is already in effect. May God then bless us all with alternative income generators. God has provided and is and will be true to his word that we have to seek his kingdom first and all these things shall be added.


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