List of Common Tricks or Modus

Updated 14 September Your Cross and Resurrection You have saved the world...

The focal point of listing all tricks or modus here is not my main point, I've realized. This can go on and one still gets conned. Only a prayer, we sometimes think is not helping us become financially stable daily, is out there to save us from our enemies. Perhaps while praying you still get duped, but hey it's not big time, and maybe God is saying to you hey wake up or something more ominous is coming. Here in the Philippines saying fifteen and fifty peso load sounds too similar, one in every million times I slip from not clarifying if it's singkuwenta or kinse lang. And customers will tell it's your fault since I've said only fifteen and I only have twenty pesos here with me. Whether or not the customer did it on purpose since the customer looks familiar who always changes looks and tactics and shows at your store when you least expect, I just thanked God I was not kidnapped or robbed big time, still alive and healthy. I pray that my tricksters needs will be met by God and not punish them since they could have done that because they have nothing to eat. But you can install hidden cctvs to identify calloused tricksters and help the past or future community victims.

1. The customer will buy. You'll be computing how much all she has to pay. More often, women tricksters target men. While all throughout the transaction, she'll be estimating your bearing if you're worrying about something, thinking about anything aside from the transaction, problematizing about anything, or is just occupied with something. Of course they've mastered the art studying you without noticing it. Then if you're a prone target like you're worried about anything or is occupied with something else aside from the transaction, she'll pay the goods bought, then you'll package the bought goods, and then all of a sudden she'll buy another additional good, while getting it, she'll ask question for another good she's interested in, and you'll give information. When you're more than service oriented enough to give her better information, more than enough, she's all throughout holding in her hands the payment for the extra good you've already told her how much. Then with a sudden twist, she would buy something again, an additional, and would estimate the situation. If you're not that confused enough one of her lookout pretending as customer will come pestering you to demand you're attention for a good she's asking for information and then would push you to give it already to her. All of a sudden, the first customer will be paying only the last good she'd asked already how much, but not for the first additional good, holding in her hands only a new set of bill different from the previous she's been flagging before. The situation has a lot of psychological loopholes exploited by tricksters. When the salesman or cashier is somewhat slightly attracted to the customer, the customer will shift all of the focus on such a blunder, and hood everything in pink, extinguishing what little suspicion is left. If confusion was not successfully established, plan b was already done, you've been shop lifted or one or two of your higher priced counter goods were already pocketed. This is somewhat a new trick I've been experiencing once or twice lately here in the Philippine Sari-sari Store selling, or if it's an old one, tricksters are using it more often today than the other tricks.

2. A customer will buy lots making you list and calculate all the goods bought. While busy calculating, recalculating for additionals, someone outside is already taking notice that you're prone to error. Then they will ask for goods without ado not minding other customers who came first and just waiting for their turn, insisting that she be given first for she's in a hurry. Such a customer will cause havoc in one way or another. In the Philippines they're called "salisi gang". The best thing is to mind finishing the customer you are presently serving first. If the ill mannered, non falling in line customer insists on his/her right with a loud complaint that everybody is already affected, that's the right time to notice him/her and take peaceful action reminding him/her perhaps of the golden rule. Exceptions can then fall in its proper place if this rule is observed.

3. Other's aren't paying. Place where this happens: over the counter without a POS. Other's are not paying, maybe they're in doubt that they already paid, and you're in doubt if you've been paid too. So the importance of not thinking about anything or talking about anything to anybody if the transaction isn't yet finished. So the SOP should be to stop those train of thoughts before you even ask a customer what to buy or else. The technique to avoid these blunder is to say the sum of the goods bought and then right away get the payment. Avoid packing the goods without getting the payment if you already said the price for payment. In short the scam or confusion happens after a long transaction or many goods were bought and packing takes some time. If it's a scam, as I have experienced often, buyers will smile at you for which you could find no reason for, which redirects your focus and gets you distracted. More prone to this scam or blunder are those who aren't feeling well especially those who have headaches or lacks sleep, so beware.

4. This should not be included in the common tricks but a skill you owe your customers as well. The trick is that a customer will buy a single item and then pay fast. Then after 2-3 seconds will buy a set of goods. At paying time two things can happen either you or your customer will get confused. So be sure to master and muster all your attention that he/she has paid already the first item. Next time this customer buys again from you after some time, if they're the trickster type, they won't pay the first item and then just pay the last set of items he bought. If you told them the first item wasn't yet paid they would tell you the contrary according if you body language bespeaks if you are confused or not.


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