Give The Change Slowly

Due to my insistence on technique to speed up serving customers at a Sari-sari Store, I realized there is one thing among others that need to slow down. When giving the change to customers, one should slow down irrespective of whether other customers in line are insisting to speed up your service so that they can be served next already. Slow it down like a slow motion movie as if. Even you sped up the getting of their goods, packing it, etc. when giving the change comes, slow down.

Reason: customers are given the chance to second look at their money, and so are you. Give yourself all the time to count carefully the change before giving it, slow it down even the world is in third war already. This saves everyone from confusions, and like we've discussed before saves the good relationship you have with your customers, reminding me of lost customers that never came back anymore just because of arguing with her about her incomplete payments.


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