Being Friendly To My Customers

You can't blame me. Sometimes customers just need a listening heart. But does it go against our suggestion to warn oneself against confusion from receiving payment and giving changes? Yes it does!

Previously we did say that there's nothing wrong chitchatting with your customers as long as there is no transactions left. But what if I tell you another line of story?

A regular peddler shouted at me inside my store if I'm going to buy my favorite snack. I hesitated since I just ate my breakfast, but would love to really see the effect of my favorite snack to my health if taken regularly. I said yes, then suddenly my customer ordered his regular products, one of which I lack and have to weigh another to give to him. Then I calculated his order, his hand clipping the peso bill though he still needs to get additional money to pay the total. While getting the additional money from his pouch, my favorite snack was served, I paid for it, then all of a sudden a woman was telling me she forgot to get her product from the store she paid already. I asked her what it was, then I looked for where I put it. The woman thanked me for the forgotten product, I was sipping my favorite snack, when all of a sudden again my customer just gave me only the additional money to pay the total without the peso bill being given me, and he said I already have it.

I just want to be friendly with the three people in the story, but the collateral damage was that my customer and me have this hanging confusion if the bill was really given me. I have to give in or else it will turn into another misgivings and loss of goodwill.

The customer in the story was a tagged one on being always having our confusion at payment time. I have raised the flag of warning before the transaction happened, but could have raised three red flag for the situation would tend to confuse anyone, being that I have to recall with the customer lady what was forgotten and where I put it, before the full payment of another customer was given.

For that I have to evaluate again myself. I had 8 hour rest, was able to stretch and walk to warm my body, and ate a healthy breakfast. Then what went wrong?

Upon reflection I have to reexamine my faculty of attention, would have to question my belief about multitasking, and I was helped big time by this article There are a lot more from about attention and focus.

I have to forget all my time filler activities when a customer arrives, and would have to give to that one customer my undivided attention. For sure the next transactions would be flawless since I started the day with that incident and have to be wary of my defective attention and have to help it. Again read the article and adjust whatever will be beneficial for you and your customer friends. Happy selling, and God bless!

Prayer to the Holy Spirit this Pentecost to aid our forgetful minds. Though it was made for students, it's almost fit for our purpose too:

Incomprehensible Creator, the true Fountain of light and only Author of all knowledge: vouchsafe, we beseech Thee, to enlighten our understandings, and to remove from us all darkness of sin and ignorance. Thou, who makest eloquent the tongues of those that want utterance, direct our tongues, and pour on our lips the grace of Thy blessing. Give us a diligent and obedient spirit, quickness of apprehension, capacity of retaining, and the powerful assistance of Thy holy grace; that what we hear or learn we may apply to Thy honor and the eternal salvation of our own souls.



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